Wednesday, June 4, 2008

a gem of a band in kuala terengganu

while having dinner at one of the food stalls at taman awam in the heart of kuala terengganu recently, i was impressed by a performing group who called themselves insan prihatin (picture). this group which comprises youths wowed the small crowd of spectators with their rendition of beautiful songs using the traditional gendang, kompang and gong with modern acoutics. they were very good indeed.

what amazed me most was their simplicity. they wore t-shirts and jeans. their lead singer whom i presume was their leader simply sat on a railing. the other band members sat on folded chairs and some even sat on the floor. no decorations whatsoever. nobody cares anyway because their music was just fabulous.

wish many such groups could be formed all over the country. it makes you proud just to hear them sing.

what say you?

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