a dear friend of mine is a telephonist. he is also an internerd (internet + nerd). he chats with people around the globe. he e-mails people of high office. and he has a special internet software that sounds like an alien talking. funny thing is, he understands it like his mother tongue.
the way he talks about global issues can easily put some of us to shame. try talking to him about obama's latest rating against mccain. ask him how the americans feel about the prospect of having a black first lady who stays in the white house. talk to him about the financial crisis and the subprime issues which has hit the usa hard. talk to him about malaysian politics. talk to him about anything. i tell you, he is good. he sounds good too because of the information he acquires from the internet. information is power, someone said this nearly two decades ago.
by the way, this friend of mine is blind.
what say you?
How are you ? you look the same as before. I am now in working at sunway lagoon hotel. My e mail address chinjo@sunway.com.my.
Wow. A blind man putting us all to shame. If we only take the time to do what he does, we can be 10 times better, but knowing us, sometimes near perfection make us take things for granted, while the imperfect go on ahead and have a head start thinking to catchup with us.
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